It’s midday and you’re already behind on getting through your emails, scheduling meetings, and organizing your other tasks. If only there was more time in the day or you could afford to hire a personal assistant.

While both of those options might be out of reach, that doesn’t mean you have to suffer under the heavy weight of having “too much to do”. It’s not your fault. It’s actually become a norm for the everyday business professional to take on so many tasks that they find themselves frantically trying to accomplish everything. Truthfully, it’s just not possible to do everything on your own. But remember that trusty device you carry around with you everywhere? What’s it called again? Oh that’s right… a smart phone. Your phone is smart. Let it help you with some of your tasks.

Here are 3 simple ways your phone can help you stay on top of the many tasks in your day:

  1. Your Phone is Your Personal Planner – Let your phone remind you of meetings you have. Sync your email with your calendar app and the next time a meeting gets added to your to-do list, your calendar will shoot you an alert of your next appointment.
  2. Your Phone is Your Task Manager – Apple Reminders are built in your iPhone and have the best reminder system around. Open up your “Today” tab and add a task to it that you need to get done. You can include a due time and notes to make your task details as specific as necessary. Your reminder will be present on your lock screen until you mark the task as complete.
  3. Your Phone is a Time Saver – Siri, GoogleNow, Cortana. Whichever you prefer, start using it more often. You can ask your personal assistant app to help you with just about anything – from the standard placing a call function to adding a new calendar event or googling a question you have. Get in the habit of using your personal assistant for tasks such as looking up the nearest gas station or finding the phone number of your dentist office. This will save you time you can spend on more important tasks.

Start using your smart device to its fullest potential and become an expert at using your personal assistant to benefit you the most.

Bonus Tip: Use YouMail Visual Voicemail to help you automatically take care of your missed calls and voicemails. YouMail can instantly text a missed caller with your away message and links to your website so that every potential client is taken care of. To learn more about YouMail and how it can save you 3-5 hours a week, click here.