Impersonation Scam Call

Phone scams have become an increasingly prevalent issue in the UK, affecting countless individuals and businesses. These scams not only lead to significant financial losses but also cause emotional distress and a breach of personal privacy. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the most common phone scams in the UK, how they operate, and what steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones.

1. The HMRC Scam

One of the most notorious phone scams in the UK is the HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) scam. Scammers impersonate HMRC officials and claim that the victim owes unpaid taxes. They threaten legal action, arrest, or deportation if the victim does not pay immediately. These calls often create a sense of urgency and fear, prompting victims to act without verifying the caller’s identity.

How to Protect Yourself:

  • Verify the Caller: HMRC will never demand immediate payment or threaten you over the phone. Always verify the caller’s identity by contacting HMRC directly using the official contact details on their website.
  • Report Suspicious Calls: If you receive a suspicious call, report it to Action Fraud or HMRC’s phishing team.

2. The Bank Fraud Alert Scam

In this scam, fraudsters pose as bank representatives and inform the victim that their account has been compromised. They may ask for personal information, such as PINs or passwords, or instruct the victim to transfer money to a “safe account” to protect their funds.

How to Protect Yourself:

  • Never Share Personal Information: Your bank will never ask for your PIN or password over the phone.
  • Contact Your Bank Directly: If you receive such a call, hang up and call your bank using the number on the back of your card to verify the claim.

3. The Compensation Scam

Scammers often call pretending to be from a compensation or claims company, offering compensation for accidents, mis-sold PPI, or other incidents. They may ask for an upfront fee or personal information to process the claim.

How to Protect Yourself:

  • Research the Company: Before engaging with any claims company, research their legitimacy online.
  • Avoid Upfront Fees: Legitimate companies do not require upfront payments to process compensation claims.

4. The Tech Support Scam

In this scam, fraudsters claim to be from well-known tech companies like Microsoft or Apple, stating that your computer has a virus or security issue. They ask for remote access to your computer or request payment for software to fix the problem.

How to Protect Yourself:

  • Do Not Grant Remote Access: Never allow remote access to your computer unless you have verified the caller’s identity.
  • Use Official Support Channels: Contact the company directly through their official support channels for any technical issues.

5. The Lottery and Prize Scam

Victims receive calls informing them that they have won a lottery or prize, but they must pay a fee or provide personal information to claim it. These scams often sound too good to be true and play on the victim’s excitement.

How to Protect Yourself:

  • Remember the Golden Rule: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Do Not Pay to Claim a Prize: Legitimate lotteries and contests do not require payment to claim winnings.

6. The Family Emergency Scam

Scammers impersonate a family member or friend in distress, claiming they need money urgently due to an emergency such as an accident or arrest. This scam exploits the victim’s emotions and desire to help loved ones.

How to Protect Yourself:

  • Verify the Caller: Ask questions only the real family member or friend would know.
  • Contact the Person Directly: Try to contact the person in question directly using a known phone number or through another family member.

7. The Utility Company Scam

Fraudsters pose as representatives from utility companies, such as water, gas, or electricity providers, and claim there is an outstanding bill or issue with your account. They may threaten to cut off your service if you do not pay immediately.

How to Protect Yourself:

  • Check Your Account: Log in to your utility provider’s website or app to check for any issues.
  • Call the Provider Directly: Use the official contact details to verify any claims made by the caller.


Phone scams in the UK are diverse and constantly evolving. It is crucial to stay informed and vigilant to protect yourself from falling victim to these deceitful tactics. By understanding the common types of scams and following the protective measures outlined above, you can significantly reduce your risk of becoming a target.

Another Number by Thumbtel

To enhance your protection against phone scams, consider using the Another Number app by Thumbtel. This leading app in the UK offers robust features to block scam calls, ensuring that you can communicate safely and securely.

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