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What You Need to Know About the Rise in Spam Calls in Texas

Everything’s bigger in Texas—including the number of spam calls flooding residents’ phones. You’ve probably noticed it too. You’re sitting there, minding your own business, and bam, there it is: another annoying spam call. Whether it’s an unknown number or that telltale “scam likely” label, Texans are getting hit hard by the robocall plague.

According to YouMail’s Robocall Index, Texas saw a jaw-dropping 538.1 million spam calls in August 2024 alone. Yes, you read that right—over half a billion spam calls in just one month. That’s a 5.5% increase from July! Let’s dive into the details of what’s going on and how you can protect yourself.

Texas is Ground Zero for Spam Calls

Texas Spam Call Chart

It’s not just your imagination—spam calls are truly on the rise in Texas. On an average day, about 17.4 million of these pesky calls are placed across the state. That’s 723,200 calls an hour or 200.9 per second. Imagine for every time you blink, at least two more spam calls have already been dialed. And if you’re wondering how many calls hit you personally, the average Texan received about 16.9 spam calls in August. That’s like one robocall for every family member, friend, and colleague you have, and then some.

These numbers aren’t just random—they’re part of a much bigger pattern happening across the U.S. But why is Texas feeling the spam heat more than other states?

Why is Texas a Target for Spam Calls?

Texas is a huge state with a massive population, making it a juicy target for spammers and scammers. With over 30 million people, there’s plenty of opportunity for robocallers to find potential victims. And let’s not forget—Texas has a diverse economy, ranging from oil and gas to tech and healthcare. Spammers cast a wide net, targeting individuals and businesses alike.

The more people they can reach, the more likely they are to scam someone out of money or personal information. So, while those annoying calls might seem like a harmless nuisance, they’re often part of a much bigger scam operation.

Download YouMail and instantly stop spam calls, texts, and voicemail.

The Types of Spam Calls Texans are Facing

Not all spam calls are created equal. In fact, they come in all sorts of frustrating flavors. Here’s a breakdown of the most common spam calls making their rounds in Texas:

1. Car Warranty Scams

We’ve all heard it—“Your car’s extended warranty is about to expire.” Whether you even own a car or not, these calls are persistent. They try to convince you to buy a worthless warranty or hand over sensitive financial info.

2. Health Insurance Scams

With the rising cost of healthcare, scammers love to prey on people looking for affordable insurance options. They’ll pose as insurance providers offering great deals that turn out to be fake.

3. Debt Relief Scams

These calls offer help with lowering your student loans or credit card debt. While this might sound appealing, they’re often traps designed to steal your personal information or charge upfront fees for services they don’t actually provide.

4. IRS and Government Impersonation Scams

These are some of the most stressful calls you can get. The person on the other end claims to be from the IRS or another government agency, demanding immediate payment for taxes or threatening you with arrest.

5. Utility Scams

Scammers posing as utility company representatives call to claim your electricity or water bill is overdue. They demand immediate payment and threaten to shut off your service if you don’t comply.

Spam calls are not only annoying but can also lead to serious financial damage if you’re not careful.

How to Stay Safe from Spam Calls

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So, what can you do to fight back against this tidal wave of spam calls? Here’s how to keep your phone—and your sanity—safe:

1. Use a Call Blocking App Like YouMail

One of the best ways to stop spam calls in their tracks is by using a call-blocking app. YouMail not only blocks known spam numbers, but it also provides a custom voicemail that prevents scammers from leaving messages. Plus, it can block robocalls altogether, giving you peace of mind.

2. Don’t Answer Unknown Numbers

If you don’t recognize the number, don’t answer. Many robocall systems work by identifying which numbers are active. By picking up, you’re essentially telling them, “Yep, this is a working number,” which can lead to even more calls.

3. Enable Call Screening Features

Many smartphones now have built-in call screening options. This feature allows your phone to screen calls and block suspicious ones automatically. It’s not foolproof, but it’s another solid layer of defense.

4. Register for the National Do Not Call List

While it’s not a magic solution, registering your number on the National Do Not Call Registry can reduce the number of legitimate telemarketing calls you receive. It won’t stop illegal robocalls, but every little bit helps!

5. Report Spam Calls

If you do get a spam call, report it. The more data law enforcement agencies have on these spammers, the better they can track them down and stop them. You can report calls to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or your phone carrier.

How YouMail is Leading the Fight Against Spam Calls

At YouMail, we’re more than just a voicemail service. We’re dedicated to helping you communicate safely, without the constant annoyance of spam calls. Our app is trusted by over 13 million Americans to block robocalls, prevent identity theft, and protect your privacy.

Here’s how YouMail stands out:

  • Robocall Blocking: We’ve been blocking robocalls since day one, using advanced technology to recognize and stop the bad guys before they can even ring your phone.
  • Call Screening: YouMail’s call screening feature ensures you only get the calls that matter, and everything else gets filtered out.
  • Spam Reporting: We actively track and report spam numbers to keep them from bothering you or anyone else.

With our help, you can finally reclaim your phone and enjoy a little peace and quiet.

Wrapping It Up

Spam calls are a huge problem in Texas, but they don’t have to take over your life. With the right tools, like YouMail’s call-blocking app, and a few savvy phone habits, you can reduce the number of unwanted calls you get each day. Don’t let the spammers win—take back control of your phone and enjoy spam-free communication.

And remember, as a Texan, you’ve got the grit and the know-how to deal with these pesky robocallers. Now let’s show them they’ve messed with the wrong state!

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