Fraudulent calls

Ah, summer. The season of sunshine, beach days, and…spam calls? Yep, as the temperature went up, so did the number of spam calls in some of the most popular states in the U.S. Texas, California, and Florida are seeing a significant rise in spam calls in August, with the numbers increasing by around 5-6% month-over-month. You can almost picture your phone lighting up with those dreaded unknown numbers, right?

Let’s break it down state by state and see what exactly is happening here!

Download YouMail and instantly stop spam calls, texts, and voicemail.

Spam Surge in Texas: A 6% Spike!

Texas Spam Call Chart

First up, Texas. The Lone Star State isn’t just big in size—it’s also big in spam call numbers! In August, an estimated 538 million spam calls rang out across the state. That’s right, a 6% month-over-month (MoM) increase! Imagine a cowboy hat-wearing spammer dialing non-stop—because that’s probably what it feels like for Texas residents.

Why the Surge? There could be several reasons why spam calls are skyrocketing in Texas. One reason might be the growing economy and increasing population, which makes Texas an attractive target for scammers. These fraudsters know there are more potential victims to trick. Plus, with a large number of businesses operating in Texas, robocallers see an opportunity to pose as debt collectors, insurance agents, or tech support.

But Texans are tough. Armed with services like YouMail’s call blocking, many are already fighting back against these annoying interruptions. YouMail’s call screening can help Texas residents sort out the good calls from the bad guys, keeping their communication channels safe and sound.

California: Chillin’ but Still Getting 5% More Spam Calls

August California Spam Rise Chart

California might be known for its laid-back vibes, but spam calls clearly didn’t get the memo. In August, Californians received 375 million spam calls, marking a 5% increase from July. Whether you’re catching waves in Malibu or hiking in the Sierras, there’s one thing you can’t escape: that pesky ring from an unknown number.

Why Cali? Well, California has always been a trendsetter, and unfortunately, spam calls are no different. It’s a populous state with a diverse economy—two ingredients that make it a prime target for robocallers. The scammers are out here pretending to be from everything from car warranties to fake tech support.

The good news is that California residents have tools like YouMail’s spam call protection to give them the peace of mind they deserve. If the robocallers are going to try to crash the Golden State’s party, at least we can slam the door on them with some powerful call-blocking tech!

Florida: Sunshine and 6% More Spam Calls

Finally, we have Florida. While Floridians were soaking up the sun, spam callers were busy too. In August, an estimated 363 million spam calls were received in Florida, which is a 6% rise compared to July. Looks like those scammers are trying to compete with the heat for your attention.

Why Florida? Florida is a prime target for scammers for a couple of reasons. First off, it’s got a large population, including a high number of retirees. Scammers often see older adults as more vulnerable, so they make those fake IRS, social security, and Medicare calls all too frequently.

But Florida isn’t just a vacation spot for retirees—it’s also home to millions of tech-savvy individuals who know how to block a spam call in a heartbeat. Thanks to services like YouMail, Floridians can sit back, relax, and let the tech take care of those irritating interruptions.

Known Safety Threats from Spam Calls

So, why are these spam calls such a big deal? It’s more than just an annoying phone ringing during your favorite Netflix binge. These calls can pose real dangers:

  • Phishing Scams: Callers pretending to be from banks, government agencies, or tech support may try to get personal info like your social security number or credit card details.
  • IRS Impersonation: Many robocalls will claim that you owe back taxes and that legal action is being taken against you unless you pay up immediately.
  • Tech Support Scams: Some callers pretend to be from Microsoft or Apple, claiming your computer has been hacked and offering help to “fix” the issue—at a price, of course.
  • Medical Fraud: Especially common in Florida, scammers may offer fake Medicare plans or prescriptions, often targeting older adults.

How to Communicate Safely in Texas, California, and Florida

Living in a world where robocalls are an unfortunate reality, it’s essential to protect yourself from these potential threats. Here’s how residents in Texas, California, and Florida can communicate safely:

  1. Block Unknown Callers: Use apps like YouMail that automatically block spam and robocalls from ever reaching your phone. It’s like having a digital bouncer that kicks out the bad guys before they can cause trouble.
  2. Don’t Answer Calls from Unknown Numbers: If it’s important, they’ll leave a voicemail. And guess what? YouMail can even help screen those voicemails for you, identifying and filtering out potential spam.
  3. Never Share Personal Information: No legitimate company will ask for personal or financial information over the phone. If you’re unsure, hang up and call the official number of the business or agency directly.
  4. Report Spam Calls: Don’t just ignore spam calls—report them! Services like YouMail can take those reports and improve their call-blocking technology.
  5. Use a Second Line for Work or Public Listings: YouMail offers second phone numbers, which can be a lifesaver for anyone needing to separate work and personal calls. It keeps your private number safe from public exposure, which is often how spammers get ahold of you.

Wrapping It Up: Keep Calm and Block Those Calls

So, there you have it—a breakdown of the spam call surge hitting Texas, California, and Florida in August. But here’s the good news: you don’t have to sit back and let robocallers ruin your day. Armed with the right tools like YouMail, you can block, report, and protect yourself from these spammy interruptions.

After all, it’s your phone, your rules! Stay cool, stay safe, and keep those scammers at bay.

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