To prevent yourself from ending the day with a flurry of messages to sort through, you need a smarter way to be reminded of your voicemail and get access to them. With YouMail, you can receive your voicemail messages straight in your email inbox. You’re already going through email throughout your day, with Voicemail-to-Email you’ll never miss another voicemail message again.

Why Use Voicemail-to-Email

1: Get Your Messages Faster

No more having to take your phone out in the hall to listen to messages without disturbing your coworkers. Just check your email. If you have a new message, plug in headphones and press play. You already look at your email throughout the day. This way you can check all of your messages in one place.

2: Organize Your Messages

Chances are, you’re getting emails and voicemail messages from clients. Now you can keep all of your communications with them in one place. Create folders in your email for different types of clients or for individual clients. Move all of your voicemail messages and emails from specific contacts into their respective folders. You’ll never lose information again.

3: Keep a Record of Your Voicemail  

Voicemail-to-Email sends you an email every time you get a new voicemail message, but you’ll still get voicemail on your phone. Keep your voicemail messages in your email and delete the ones in your YouMail inbox. You’ll have more storage space without losing any messages.

4: Keep Everyone Up-to-Date

Voicemail-to-Email also lets you send copies of your voicemail messages to another email address. Easily keep your assistant updated by sending them voicemail copies. If you’re in a meeting or unavailable, your assistant will also be able to take care of your message for you.

How to Get Voicemail-to-Email:

Voicemail-to-Email is available on the Essential Plan which is 100% free! To set up your Voicemail-to-Email, follow the steps below.

Web –

  1. Login to your account at
  2. Click here to adjust your Voicemail-to-Email settings

App –

  1. Open the YouMail app and go to your menu (tap the three bars at the top left)
  2. Tap Settings
  3. Tap Email Alerts and adjust your settings

Nothing gets in the way of a productive day quite like forgetting you have 5 unheard voicemail messages to listen to.

Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in deskwork. You go through your emails, task managers, and current projects. Then after all that, you step away to go to meeting after meeting. Sound familiar? If you happen to get a call, you’ll try your best to answer it but you can’t promise anything.

Visual Voicemail

You’re all set! Voicemail-to-Email is a convenient way for you to get instant access to your voicemail messages without having to use your phone.

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