Over the past quarter century, renowned real estate coach Tom Ferry has influenced more than a half-million real estate professionals through his consulting engagements, speaking appearances and writings.
Ferry currently influences more than 100,000 agents each year at more than 300 live events, and through his weekly YouTube series, #TomFerryShow. Clients of Tom Ferry Coaching earn $372,578 annually, or 8X more than the industry average of $47,700, according to the company website.
Ferry attributes his longstanding success to his core belief that the overarching value for all business is to embrace innovation and marketing. For busy real estate agents, he emphasizes the need to take full advantage of anything that can save time. For this reason, Ferry promotes the YouMail productivity app for smartphones as a great timesaver.
“Real estate professionals are very busy people. The one thing they don’t have a lot of is time,” he said. “Anything that can save them time and provide a better real estate experience is a no-brainer, and YouMail is a low-cost solution that does both.”
YouMail answers and greets preferred callers by name, while blocking calls you don’t want to receive. It transcribes voicemails, and it gives callers other options to contact you via email or a website, letting callers know when you will be available.
That kind of VIP treatment makes real estate clients feel they are receiving highly personalized attention from the agent, which raises customer satisfaction, according to Ferry.
“We encourage all our members and coaches to use YouMail because it can get them to their goals faster in an elegant and beautiful way,” he said. “YouMail allows our members to stand out and make people feel special.”
Ferry cites society’s growing “epidemic of facelessness” in this era of emails, text messages and chat sessions that are replacing direct human communications. He says consumers today “are feeling much more disconnected by technology.” Yet agents are usually swamped with appointments or attending open houses, making it hard to stay connected with their clients while they are on the go.
“Instead of stopping to listen to an incoming voicemail, agents using YouMail can simply check their voice messages in their email inbox or via text,” Ferry explained. “It only takes moments, and the agent can respond on the spot by forwarding a message to a colleague to call them back.”
“YouMail allows agents to easily forward calls to an assistant, loan officer, or title rep all in one tap, versus replaying a voice message and calling the person back,” he added. “There are more than 1 million real estate agents out there, and I believe all of them should be on YouMail.”