In a world where having strong credit gets you higher credit limits and more purchasing power, building credit can come with a lot of pressure. Large purchases such as buying a car or taking out a mortgage on a home require a credit check. Without strong credit, you might not be able to move forward with that critical transaction as planned. Unfortunately, falling into poor credit is a reality for millions of Americans. With that said, there are legitimate ways to repair bad credit over time. Rather than dealing with unwanted callers like the Lexington Law Credit Repair spam, you can protect your time, money, and energy.

In this article, we cover:

The details of the Lexington Law Credit Repair spam

The Lexington Law Credit Repair spam is set up to help people repair bad credit. Ultimately, the robocall prompts users to call a number that will connect them with a specialist to fix their credit, which can put your private information at risk. The most called locations for this spam call so far have been Texas, Florida, California, Georgia, and Louisiana. The most tracked numbers for this spam call are 1-855-382-7113, 1-512-842-8005, 1-281-712-1015, 1-281-712-2431, and 1-281-712-2823.

Why the Lexington Law Credit Repair spam is a nuisance

The Lexington Law Credit Repair spam contacts people and is designed to get them to sign up for a service. Those who move forward with the process might be putting themselves at risk of identity theft. Rather than having to think about which calls you should and should not answer, you can protect yourself with a reputable call blocking app like YouMail.

How to protect yourself from the Lexington Law Credit Repair spam

Protecting your privacy and security from unwanted spam calls is quick and easy. A spam call blocking app like YouMail guards you from spammers and robocallers looking to take away your time and, potentially, money. YouMail offers both a free and premium plan, which allows you to enjoy the silence and live life without annoying spammers.

Find about more Spam Robocalls at the YouMail Spam Robocalls Guide.

To protect yourself from the Lexington Law Credit Repair spam, download YouMail today.

More on the top spam calls:

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