Tick. Tock. That’s the sound of time passing you by. Are you spending your time productively? With summer already here it can be hard to think of anything else besides the beach, but work still has to get done. Here’s a list of 5 simple productivity apps with functions that will boost your efficiency and organization and help you stay on track during the summer months. Best part is they’re already on your iPhone.
- Clock
You probably use this app for your alarm in the morning, but the timer function serves a useful purpose too. Use the timer to schedule your tasks and finish them within the allotted time you gave yourself. You’ll find you get tasks done faster when you are racing against the clock. Plus, when you beat the clock it makes getting your work done that much more satisfying.
- Reminders
One of our personal favorites, a simple yet highly effective app. At one time or another there was something that got lost in the shuffle. Not anymore, use the Reminder app to create reminders for yourself throughout the day. Whether it’s a reminder related to business like scheduling a meeting with a client or a personal reminder that Thursday is your day to pick up the kids from school, you won’t forget to do the simple things. Bonus tip: You can set the reminder to notify you once you reach a certain location like your work or home.
- Notes
Forget the pen and napkin for spontaneous note taking. How many times have you accidentally threw away those ideas? Make use of your Notes app instead to jot down ideas and get rid of the risk of losing them since everything is on your phone.
- News
In any business it’s always a good idea to stay up to date on the latest news in your industry. Instead of having to spend time searching for recent articles, the News app automatically compiles the latest content about the topics you want to read about. Even get the latest articles from your favorites like The Huffington Post or the Wall Street Journal. Don’t have time to read an article just yet? Easily click to save it for later. The News app is your one stop shop for all of the most relevant reads.
- Calendar
An important app for all of your scheduling needs. Sync your Gmail calendar and Facebook events so they are all in your phone’s Calendar. Stay organized and never double book with all of your appointments in one app.